New project ''Creating a unique touristic product through networking and education''
We wish to inform you that the project ''Creating a unique touristic product through networking and education'' by the association ISTARSKO – Ekomuzej iz Vodnjana, was chosen to be co-funded through the Open call for programs and projects co-funding for professional associations in tourism and/or catering in 2016 by the Ministry of Tourism RH.
On this occasion the Ministry of Tourism, represented by the minister Antun Kliman, organized a signing ceremony of the Donation agreement on Friday July 22nd at the San Rocco resort in Brtonigla.
The mission of the project is upscaling the quality and competitiveness of Vodnjan's touristic offer through networking and education of all civil society stakeholders involved in the development of sustainable tourism and creating a unique touristic product of Vodnjan. The project has a duration of 10 months and will be carried out in partnership with the associations Agroturist and the Renters association of the city of Vodnjan.
The overall budget of the project is 305.690,00 kn and 204.252,00 kn is co-funded by the Ministry of Tourism.
The activities of the project are primary directed at networking and the development of local partnerships, education of touristic employees, members od small agricultural businesses, small producers and renters of tourist facilities with the goal of raising the qualitiy of human potential in tourism and developing Vodnjan's destinations as a city of traditional istrian products and crafts.
The most important expected outcome of the project is an optimized unique touristic offer of Vodnjan which is integrating the existing resources in an innovative way – by creating thematic offers customized for tourists and educated members of the community which place their products and services with quality and directivity.
At the beggining of the month of July, the association ISTARSKO – Ekomuzej iz Vodnjan also had its EVS project ACTIVE successfully evaluated and it will be funded completely with 51.352,00 € from the Erasmus plus program by the European Union. The project is carried out in partnership with the INFORMO association from Vodnjan, which is also the project coordinator, and will have a total duration of 17 months.
The associations will host 6 volunteers from Portugal, Spain, France and Italy for 12 months, with the goal of developing their key skills and providing increased value to the local community through sustainable valorization of local products and traditions and urban regenaration.