Cun la Poeseia a Dignan | ‘Omaggio a Dignan in Versi Dignanesi’
Vodnjan, 07/09/2019
Last date with the Vodnjan’s poetry!
'Cun La Poeseia A Dignan' has been an artistic happening inside the Festival of Istrioto that ran through our summer until the end and now is the time of the last performance!
"Omaggio a Dignan in versi Dignanesi" will be dedicated to the dialectal poetry’s first prizes Premi Istria Nobilissima: Loredana Bogliun, Mario Bonassin, Lidia Delton, Elvia Nacinovich.
Special thanks to the Italian Community of Šišan, the Municipality of Vodnjan and the Istrian Region, which gave us the opportunity to realize the project. See you on Saturday, September 7th at 8.30 pm to the Popular Open University of Vodnjan, Portarol 31, second floor.