Gastronomic journalism in the house of traditions
Tasting meal from Restoran Vodnjanka
Imagine how it would be to eat the greatest Istrian meal in our region in one of the most traditional places of Vodnjan. For the group of gastronomic journalist critics, Jeunes Restaurateurs Croatia, it was a whole experience that they enjoyed for real.
In partnership with Restoran Vodnjanka, the international group of journalists came to our House of traditions to enjoy some of our main local products like polenta, prosciutto, cheese, cioche, luganighe or fritules.
All of them were served in our first-floor kitchen, a place of our Ecomuseum where, like in the past, the guests were attended with all the comforts in a warm atmosphere thanks to our “fogoler”, chimney in dialect.
With the tour around the museum, the group discovered a bit more about our culture through the tools and objects placed on each one of the stays of the house, and after the meal they tried also some of our famous rakijas, without forgetting one of our most appreciated sweet wines: “Pasito”.
Thanks for coming, it was a pleasure to have you here!