Creating a unique tourism product through networking and education

The project Creating a unique tourism product through networking and education is aimed at raising the quality and competitiveness of the entire tourist offer of Vodnjan through networking and education of all the civil-social actors involved in the development of sustainable tourism and the creation of a unique tourist content of Vodnjan.
There are three guidelines that need to be achieved through the project:
- Networking and development of local partnerships - partner association in project, but also cooperation with the tourist community, city companies, local government and the local community in general to achieve the synergy required for quality dialogue as the foundation of sustainable growth and development. Creating a positive environment will be achieved through regular monthly meetings and through promotional activities of the project, which will address not just to the international public, also will address to the local community, calling for co-operation and involvement in project activities.
- Education - programs that will be held in Ekomuzej aim at raising the quality of human potential in tourism, through informal training and education that will directly and indirectly contribute to the development of tourism. The topics of education will be focused on:
- digital marketing and social networking for tourist accommodation providers; Withdrawal of funds from EU funds
- processing and marketing of products for small local producers, as well as professional seminars and workshops in the field of olive growing, winemaking, beekeeping, etc...
- attending the online project developer training at the European Academy for Education & Social Research focused on EU project development and fundraising
- Creating a unique tourist content in the region will be realized in 3 steps:
- creating a web catalog that will entirely unify the local offer (map of family farms, caterers, curiosities, ..)
- editing multifunctional space in the very cultural and historical center of the city
- creating unique and thematic itineraries: cultural, sacral, agrotouristic, gastronomic, cyclotouristic, etc...