Ecomuseum in Brtonigla for the ‘Old Time Threshing’
In the colours of tradition…
On Friday the 12th of July we took part in the traditional town festival in Brtonigla, where customs have been used and traditions have been celebrated giving new light to flavours, music, arts and trades of our region.
We participated bringing and showing the old istrian trades and its tools, instruments and products. Our fellow countrymen came also with their animal friends as the local ‘sameri’, the istrian goats and the boškarin or they prepared the typical sweet bread for everybody.
The threshing time was one of the most interesting moments, because we had the opportunity to see a super coordinated team working the straw with an agricultural machine.
After all the exhibitions, the festival carried on in the cheerfulness until late night, singing and dancing to the rhytm of istrian notes.