On November 2015 took place a meeting in order to collect some idea and exchange information for the realization of a didactic farm. The project idea started to be implemented on March, with the aim to regulate the garden and stables near the elementary school and transform this location in a place where training a large number of children and local farmers. The basic idea is that the education throughout the Didactic Farm will focus on the value of healthy food and that children could monitor fruit and vegetables from seed to plate.

The objective is to promote organic and traditional agriculture and rural culture as crafts, composting, recycling, use of rain water and biological diversity. On March, the volunteers have plowed the field for the future garden and they have prepared and cleaned the yard for the new Didactic Farm. On April started to take place different activities with the children from the elementary school of Vodnjan-Dignano in how to plant different fruits and vegetables, how to take care about them and how to pick them up once ready.